
House Polish
Our polish crew did a great job on this house floor in West Lafayette, IN
MRP Milwaukee
Polish crew did a great job on this 17,000 SQ. FT. warehouse with a coat of Pentra-Pel protectant on top in Milwaukee, WI.
Wag'n Tails
Polish crew did a great job on the office and warehouse floors. Look at that amazing stencil they put down! Job was around 15,120 SQ.FT. of new ...
House Project
Beautiful Dye Polish floor in a customers home located in Wheatfield, IN. Dye colors Black and Espresso
TC Harris School
This is a unique Dye Polish completed on the hallways at the school located in Lafayette, IN.
Food Bank of Indiana
Polish work on the Food Service Floor. Job located in Merrillville, IN
Tom Wood Volkswagen
Tom Wood Volkswagen, 96th Street, Carmel, IN. Common area on mezzanine and their corporate conference room. Dyed and polished concrete.
Polished Stamped & Stained